The Bicester Eco Village is the first Exemplar Carbon neutral development in the UK and Infrastruct CS Ltd were initially commissioned by Willmott Dixon to overcome drainage and highway challenges associated with the scheme.
The scheme has necessitated improvements to the off-site highway network and Infrastruct CS Ltd were commissioned to technically redesign two offsite roundabouts and a junction to improve vehicle movements.
Within the site, Infrastruct CS Ltd have completed the drainage and highway design elements of phase 1 which incorporated complex community streets with integrated play elements and have secured technical approval from Oxfordshire County Council for their adoption.
The original remit was extended by the contractor to include the full design, and secure technical approval for the site wide foul drainage network. Infrastruct CS Ltd have now been commissioned for the technical design of phase 2 by Hill Partnerships, as well as the outline design of phases 3 and 4, and planning assistance for the future phases by the main client A2Dominion.