This development, promoted by ECO World and designed by Ruff Architects, comprises of two residential buildings. One 14-storey building of 98 new homes that sits along the western site boundary by Longford River, and one 11-storey building of 78 new homes to run east to west along New Road. The development incorporates sympathetic landscaping and improved access to Longford River and Glebeland Playing Fields for local residents to enjoy and increases the site’s biodiversity by 50%.

New Road Triangle was built on half a hectare of land, owned by the London Borough of Hounslow and previously occupied by Network Rail.

Infrastruct CS was appointed early on and produced a the Flood Risk Assessment as well as all external levels and a number of SuDS features, including rainwater gardens, permeable paving, attenuation tanks, etc. ICS also designed the new road markings, including a signalised crossing point, as part of the Section 278 Work.